Discover, Source, and Explore: Join the Guided Tours to Enhance Your Fair Experience

Portrait of Claus Habbicht

Discover our Guided Tour sessions at PERFORMANCE DAYS. Join these sessions led by expert guides and delve into fascinating topics that will enhance your understanding of the industry. Please take note of the various meeting points to ensure you don't miss out on this enriching experience. In addition, seize the opportunity to source and explore the latest trends and innovations in functional textiles and accessories throughout the fair.

Please note that the đź“ŤMEETING POINT for all tours, except the Innovation Forum and Press tour where you meet directly at the respective Forum, is the CONCIERGE COUNTER at the TREND FORUM in Hall C5.


Fair Tools For A Successful Day


Trend Forum @ Hall C5

Wednesday 05th March 2025

12:00 - 12:30 CET

You are at PERFORMANCE DAYS for the first time? You want to optimize the possibilities on the fair to find in a short time the right material? Let’s start your walk through the fair at the Guided Tours Square. Mr. Habbicht will introduce you to the concept and the benefits of the TREND FORUM as well as to the different tools to have a successful visit at the fair.

About the orator

Mr Claus Habbicht



Claus Habbicht has more than 30 years of experience with functional fabrics. After many years working for an outdoor brand he has been running his own company for garment production and consulting for more then 15 years.

Exhibitor List March 2025