Weight: 129 g/m²
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13 products
The Loop digital booth
Portland booth 625
Our company mission is to provide the customers with reasonable
prices and high quality fabric so that they can compete in the
competitive industry.
The only way to be successful is get the confidence of the
customers are to maintain low prices and high quality fabric.
below is Products Categories:
*100% Polyester with Plain/Twill/Ribstop/Dobby/Melange
*100% Nylon with Plain/Twill/Ribstop/Dobby/Melange
*Poly/Spandex, 4-Way/2-Way/Mechanical stretch
*Nylon/Spandex,4-Way/2-Way/Mechanical stretch
*Light Weight 10D/15D/20D/30D/50D Fabric
*Functional Fabric
*2-Layer, 2.5-Layer, 3-Layer Fabric
*Fabric with Paper/Rotary/Digital Print
*Yarn Dye Fabric
*Double Weave Fabic
7F-3, No.182, Song-Jiang Rd.
10467 Taipei City
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