Weight: 198 g/m²
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Production in
Product categories
made for
Bike & Running • Casual • Outdoor • Snow Sports
7 products
49 products
Munich booth T19
Portland booth 1816
Production in
In 1988, TDI initially focused on specialized synthetic fiber dyeing and finishing processes, mainly serving outdoor sports brands. With the expansion of the market, TDI Fabrics Division was established in 2018, specializing in the production of functional woven fabrics, designing and innovating to meet the needs of the outdoor sports market. To make market segmentation and increase product uniqueness, we set up a sourcing office in China in 2024 and collaborate with local factories. With the enhance of our R&D technology and product quality, we are capable of offering the products at affordable prices to our brand customers.
2F, No. 59, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd.
106 Taipei
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