CH5NT4738R CH5NT4738R
Weight: 173 g/m²
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Fabrics • Footwear
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Bags & Tents • Bike & Running • Casual • Outdoor • Snow Sports • Workwear
31 products
64 products
Munich booth K14|K15
Taiwan Textile Federation established a functional textiles certification system to integrate new technology development of the textile supply chain and to promote high-valued functional textiles. The “Taiwan Functional Textiles” is a brand image promoted through various international trade fairs, seminars, new product launches, and promotional campaigns, supporting businesses to expand markets domestically and internationally, and enhances the opportunities to cooperate with international buyers; while increasing consumer awareness of Functional Textiles in domestic market.
TTF Building, 13F, No.22, Aiguo East Road,
100408 Taipei
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