Motherhood tight
Composition: 65% rec. PA
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Production in
Brazil • China • Israel • United States
Product categories
made for
Workwear • Yoga & Fitness
11 products
Composition: 65% rec. PA
Composition: 85% PA
Weight: 130 g/m²
60 products
Munich booth BW07
Portland booth 618
Production in
Brazil • China • Israel • United States
About Sensil®
Sensil® is NILIT’s sustainable premium Nylon 6.6 brand for apparel. Crafted by masters of precision, it is the new standard of quality for intimate apparel, legwear, activewear, denim, outdoor wear, and other products. Sensil® is a registered trademark of NILIT.
NILIT® is a leading global producer of premium, sustainable Nylon 6.6 fashion and performance fibers. The company, founded in Israel in 1974, has four vertically integrated manufacturing facilities and global offices serving its customer base in EMEA, Asia, LATAM and North America.
Maurizio Levi Road, Ramat Gabriel
Pob 276 Migdal Haemek
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