100% rec. PES C0051204-PP-ESP-PM-RR
Composition: 100% rec. PES
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Production in
China • Poland • Turkey
Product categories
Accessories • Fabrics
made for
Casual • Yoga & Fitness
7 products
Composition: 100% rec. PES
Composition: 100% PLA
Composition: 70% PU, 30% EL
Composition: 70% PU, 30% EL
Munich booth BW01
MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping stands for Breastshaping. Since more than 25 years we produce BraCups with high expertise and the full understandings of the female body. With our customers we create bras that don`t pinch, feel perfect and support you in every situation.
Kastaninenweg 8 / Schwarzenbach
95671 Bärnau
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