Stretch Ottoman RN3313Q
Weight: 247 g/m²
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Casual • Outdoor • Yoga & Fitness
10 products
44 products
The Loop digital booth
Portland booth 1802
iRabbit is a functional circular knit fabric supplier in Taiwan since 1985. We offer different categories in knit fabrics for sportswear market, such as, pique, single jersey, interlock, jacquard, yarn dyed, engineered stripes, etc. Those texture fabrics with various finishing base on end use to hit customer demands. Our dyeing house is blue-sign approved, we are trying to use less chemical in production and with recycled material to make the environment more eco-friendly.
Green issue is our main target, for our living earth.
3F, No. 8, Sec. 2, Nanjing East Road,
104084 Taipei
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