Duraflex Hong Kong Ltd.

Duraflex Hong Kong Ltd.


Hong Kong

Production in

China • Italy • Vietnam

Product categories

Accessories • Footwear

made for

Bags & Tents • Bike & Running • Casual • Outdoor • Snow Sports • Team Sport • Water Sports • Workwear • Yoga & Fitness


Bluesign Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Global Recycle Standard (GRS) Oekotex Standard 100 The Higg Index

Product portfolio presented by PERFORMANCE DAYS

77 products

g.Eco™ Cord Pull 142-51034-00000G

Composition: 100% Recycled TPU

g.Eco D. Leather 142-91749-00000G

Composition: 100% Recycled TPU

g.CurviLINE Pull 142-71051-00000G

Composition: 100% Recycled TPU

g.GC Disc-0 Snap 196-32058-00000G

Composition: 100% Recycled Brass

ZINCAThinna Hook 146-51033-00000G

Composition: 100% Recycled Zinc Alloy

Curvi Lace Loop 416-01171-100000

Composition: 100% Polycarbonate

g.BE09 Eyelet BE09

Composition: 100% Recycled Brass

g. Dice CordLock 1-70305

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

Neo Ultimate CL 1-70442

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% Azolyx

Thinna™ Round CL 1-70315

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% Azolyx

Thinna Cord Hook 1-60272

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

D.6013 Adj. Hook 1-60103

Weight: 1.5 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

Lacing Loop V 6-00802

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% Azolyx

UShape Connector 1-70437

Weight: 1.3 g/m²

Composition: 100% Azolyx™

Sewable Loop O 1-90731

Weight: 0.7 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

Magic Lock 75mm 1-90660

Weight: 1.5 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA


Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX™

g.Thinna BH-200 Cord Hook (M) 111-60250-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Cord Lock (2-Hole) 2.5mm 111-70257-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g. Neo Eagle Cord Adjuster with Loop (2.5mm x 10mm)

Weight: 0.4 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

g. GhostEye SL-120 Lace Holder (M) x 10mm

Weight: 0.9 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

g. Thinna SL-200 Lace Holder (M)

Weight: 0.5 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

g. SoftTouch SL-2265 Bungee Lace with Cylinder Tip 3mm

Weight: 5.1 g/m²

Composition: 70% rec. PES, 30% TPU

g. Neo Double Cord End with Hook

Weight: 0.4 g/m²

Composition: 100% AZOLYX

g.D-Ring 25mm 112-50186-000000

Composition: 100% Biodegradable POM

g.Neo Single Adjust Belt Buckle 116-30342-000000/116-30344-000000

Composition: 100% Biodegradable POM

g.SIMPLX Tiny Buckle 121-31474-000000/121-31475-000000

Composition: 100% Biodegradable POM

g.Common Loop 20mm 112-50185-000000

Composition: 100% Biodegradable POM

3.5mm Shoe Lace 2-Tone 111-VNKH23-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PES

16mm Sandal Tape 111-YX068-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PES

g.S.J. Titan Triangle Plasti-Metallic Hook 38mm

Composition: 95% PA, 5% Stainless Steel

g.Eco Cord Lock (2-Hole) 2.5mm 111-70257-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Phantom-X Sliplok 20mm 111-50226-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Phantom-X Loop 20mm 111-50228-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Thinna BH-200 Cord Hook (M) 111-60250-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Neo Sewing Quad Snap 20mm 117-D3069-000990 / 117-D3068-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.GF Tiny Hook with O-Ring 10mm 126-60095-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco CurciLINE Tip Puller 141-02372-0001G

Composition: 90% rec. PES, 100% recycled PET Cord

g.S.J. Chromeo Core Triangle 20mm 111-50232-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.SJ Chromeo Core Loop 20mm 111-50216-000990

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.EcoCurviLINESing.Eyelok 141-02433-00001G / 141-02433-00002G

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 90% rec. PET

g.Phantom-XSing.Adj.Buckle 111-31315-000990 / 111-31316-000990

Weight: 12 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

Soft-PlasticCurviLINESoftCord 141-02069-000023

Weight: 1.80 g/m²

Composition: 40% Plantb. TPU

g.Eco Petal Snap 13mm (r.PET.9)

Weight: 1.28 g/m²

Composition: 90% rec. PET

pl-TPUgSoft-Plastic4HoleButton14mm 141-01298-000023

Composition: 40% bio based TPU

g.Eco Snap (13mm) A:117-D1001-000000 B:117-D1002-000000 C:117-D1003-000010 D:117-D1001-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Mini Cord Pull (Soft) 2mm 141-02317-00001G

Composition: 30% rec. PES

rPET3g.SoftTouchCordEndCyclinder2mm 141-02311-00001G

Composition: 30% rec. PES, 100% recycled Cord

g.Eco Bean Cordlock (2-Hole) 3.5mm 141-02380-00001G

Composition: 90% rec. PES

gSIMPLX®TLokSingleAdjBuckle25mm M:121-31291-000000 F:121-31292-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPET9 - g.Eco Curvline U Puller 141-02375-00001G

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 10% PES, 90% rec. PES

rPA - g.Eco single Eyelok Eyelet:411-00937-100000/Plate: 411-00938-100000

Weight: 0.6 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPET9 - g.Eco Cylinder Cordlock 141-02377-00001G

Weight: 2.1 g/m²

Composition: 10% PES, 90% rec. PES

rPET3 - g.Eco Curvline Tip Puller 141-02373-00001G

Weight: 0.8 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PES

rPET3 - g.Eco Sewable Cord Adjuster 141-02373-00001G/141-02379-00002G

Weight: 0.7 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PES

PP+F - g.Eco Round Cord Lock 111-70220-000000

Weight: 1.5 g/m²

Composition: 50% PP, 50% plant fibres

g.Soft-Plastic U-Puller(rPET cord) 141-01020-000023

Composition: 40% Emission Gas-Based Content

g.Mojave® Whistle Adj. Buckle 15mm 121-31123-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Botanic Single Adj. Buckle 25mm Male: 116-30462-000000

Composition: 100% biob.Nylon

g.Eco Double Eyelok 2.5mm Eyelet: 411-00935-100000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Snap 13mm

Weight: 1.06 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Single Eyelok 2.5mm

Weight: 0.58 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Soft-Plastic CurviLINE

Weight: 0.33 g/m²

Composition: 100% Plant-Based TPU

g.Soft-Plastic 4-Hole Button

Weight: 0.47 g/m²

Composition: 100% Plant-Based TPU

g.Soft-Plastic 1-01408

Weight: 0.6 g/m²

Composition: 50,50% Emission Gas-Based TPU,Recycl. Polyester

g.Soft-Touch Cord End-Drop

Weight: 0.25 g/m²

Composition: 50,50% Emission Gas-Based TPU,Recycl. Polyester

Eco Snap 13mm

Weight: 1.1 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

Eco Single Eyelok

Weight: 0.6 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

Eco Double Eyelok

Weight: 0.8 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPA Magic Slider

Weight: 3.1 g/m²

Composition: 100%% rec. PA

Botanic Magic Slider

Weight: 3.2 g/m²

Composition: 40% PA, 60% Plant based Nylon

Botanic Eco Eyelet

Weight: 0.6 g/m²

Composition: 40% PA, 60% Plant based Nylon

Grainy Eco Eyelet

Weight: 0.8 g/m²

Composition: 50% PP, 50% Plant fiber

Grainy Eco Sewable snap

Weight: 0.4 g/m²

Composition: 50% PP, 50% Plant fiber

Botanic Eco Sewable Snap

Weight: 0.3 g/m²

Composition: 40% PA, 60% Plant based PA

Grainy puller, cord end and stopper

Composition: 50% PP, 50% Plant fibre

Botanic Cord adjustor

Composition: 33% PA, 33% Plant based Nylon

Product portfolio presented by the supplier


18 products

g.EcoTM Petal Snap 13mm

Composition: 90% rPET

g.Eco™ P-YL961 Cord Adjuster

Composition: 30% rPET

g.Eco™ Cylinder Cord Adjuster

Composition: 30% rPET

g.Phantom-X™ Loop 25mm

Composition: 100% rPA

rPA - g.SIMPLX®Zero Single Adj. Buckle (M) (38mm) M: 121-31164-000000 /F: 121-31165-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Snap (13mm) A:117-D1001-000000 /B:117-D1002-000000 /C:117-D1003-000000 /D:117-D1001-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPET3 - g.Eco Curvline Tip Puller 141-02317-00001G

Composition: 30% recycl PET

rPET3 -g.Soft-Touch Cord End Cyclinder Version (2mm) 141-02311-000013

Composition: 30% recycl PET

g.Eco Bean Cordlock (2-Hole) 3.5mm 141-02380-00001G

Composition: 90% recycl PET

rPET3 - g.Eco Curvline Tip Puller 141-02373-00001G

Composition: 70% PES, 30% rec. PES

rPET9 - g.Eco Cylinder Cordlock 141-02377-00001G

Weight: 2.1 g/m²

Composition: 90% rec. PES, 10% metal spring

rPET9 - g.Eco Curvline U Puller 141-02375-00001G

Weight: 1 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PES

rPET3 - g.Eco Sewable Cord Adjuster 141-02379-00001G

Weight: 0.7 g/m²

Composition: 70% PES, 30% rec. PES

rPA - g.Eco single Eyelok Eyelet:411-00937-100000/Plate: 411-00938-100000

Weight: 0.6 g/m²

Composition: 100% rec. PA

PP+F - g.Eco Round Cord Lock 111-70220-000000

Weight: 1.5 g/m²

Composition: 50% PP, 50% Nature Content

186 products

Ghost Eye® SL-120 Lace Holder

Composition: 100% POM

G.C.® DCL-713 Cordlock

Composition: 40% POM

g.Eco Circle Cord Lock (2-Hole) 3mm 141-02303-000013

Composition: 90% rec. PES

Xlite® Mark II Whistle Single Adj. Buckle (Version A) 15mm - Right-handed Male: 111-30901-000000 & Female: 111-30333-000000

Composition: 100% POM

G.F. Whistle Single Adj. Buckle (Version A) 15mm - Right-handed Male: 121-31094-000000 & Female: 121-30789-000000

Composition: 100% POM

ZINCA® Phantom® Hook Z1020-L 25mm - 20mm 146-01045-200011

Composition: 100% ZN

Phantom® Hook A1010-L 25mm - 20mm 121-60214-000000

Composition: 100% POM

Phantom® G-Hook P1210-L 25mm 121-31143-000000

Composition: 100% POM

Magic Lock with QuickClip 10mm Male: 411-00606-100000 & Female: 111-90652-000000

Composition: 100% TPU + Nylon

Magic Lock 10mm Male: 411-00606-100000 & Female: 411-00607-100000

Composition: 100% TPU + Nylon

Magic Lock 75mm Male: 111-90659-000000 & Female: 111-90660-001000

Composition: 100% TPU + Nylon

ALULA® Magic Slider Single Adj. with Pouch 20mm Male: 411-01009-100000, Female: 416-00684-100000 & Plate: 411-00940-100000

Composition: 100% Aluminium+POM

Magic Slider Single Adj. with Pouch 20mm Male: 111-90649-000000, Female: 411-00939-100000 & Plate: 411-00940-100000

Composition: 100% Nylon+POM

Magic Wing Clip 15mm 111-90703-000000

Composition: 100% POM

Magic Slider Single Adj. with Wing Clip 15mm Male: 111-90679-000000 & Female: 111-90681-000000

Composition: 100% POM

Magic Slider Dual Adj. 38mm Male: 111-90646-000000 & Female: 111-90647-000000

Composition: 100% PA

Neo Mini Cord Lock (2-Hole) 2.5mm 416-00678-100000

Composition: 100% POM

Neo Mini Cord Lock (2-Hole with 1-Slot) 2.5mm x 5mm 416-00676-100000

Composition: 100% POM

Neo Mini Cord End 2mm Body: 416-00673-100000 & Cap: 416-00674-100000

Composition: 100% POM

Neo Mini Double Cord End 2mm Body: 416-00679-100000 & Cap: 416-00680-100000

Composition: 100% POM

Neo Standard Bungee Cord 2mm 196-00999-000029

Composition: 100% Poly

Neo Single Adj. Belt Buckle 25mm Male: 116-30281-000000 & Female: 416-00701-100000

Composition: 100% POM

ZINCA® Thinna Sliplok® 25mm 146-01063-000011

Composition: 100% ZN

ZINCA® Thinna Hook 25mm 146-01066-000011

Composition: 100% POM

ZINCA® Thinna D Ring 25mm 146-01074-000011

Composition: 100% POM

G.C.™ SnapZero Classic 13mm (Medium) Part A: 117-4A134-200000, Part B: 117-4A132-020000, Part C: 117-4A133-000000 & Part D: 117-4A134-200000

Composition: 100% POM

G.C.™ SnapZero Classic 14mm (Medium) Part A: 115-5A141-200000, Part B: 117-4A132-020000, Part C: 117-4A133-000000 & Part D: 117-4A134-200000

Composition: 100% Brass+POM

Illusion Reflective Plastic Snap Cap 15mm - Duraflex 146-02296-000013

Composition: 100% TPU + Brass + Reflective Fabric

Illusion Reflective Heat Press Eyelet (Outer 12mm, Inner 5mm) - Duraflex 146-02292-000013

Composition: 100% Reflective Fabric

Illusion Reflective Label - Duraflex 146-01072-000011

Composition: 100% Zinc Alloy + TPU + Reflective Fabric

Illusion Reflective CurveLINE U-Shape Puller - Duraflex 146-02293-000013

Composition: 100% Poly + TPU +Reflective Fabric

Illusion Reflective Puller with Rivet (Transparent Layer) - Duraflex 146-02294-000013

Composition: 100% TPU + Reflective Fabric + Brass

Illusion Reflective TPU Large Puller (Transparent Layer) - Duraflex 146-02295-000013

Composition: 100% TPU + Reflective Fabric

g.Eco Mini Puller (Hard) 141-02306-000013

Composition: 90% rec. PES

g.Eco Hollow Puller (Hard) 141-02308-000013

Composition: 90% rec. PES

g.Eco 4-Hole button 11.8mm (Soft) 141-02318-000013

Composition: 30% rec. PES

g.Eco Hollow Puller (Soft) 141-02315-000013

Composition: 30% rec. PES

g.Eco Mini Cord Pull (Soft) 141-02317-000013

Composition: 30% rec. PES

g.Mojave® Dual Adj. Buckle 25mm Male: 121-31046-000000 & Female: 121-31076-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Mojave® Whistle Single Adj. Buckle (Version A) 15mm - right-handed Male: 121-31123-000000 & Female: 121-31051-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Stealth Single Adj. Buckle 25mm Male: 121-31056-000000 & Female: 121-31048-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Duckbill® Double Bar Tensionlock® 25mm 121-40228-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Eco Standard Cord Lock (2-Hole) 2.5mm 116-70286-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.G.F. Cord Lock (Sewable Version) 2.5mm Male: 121-70178-000000 & Female: 121-70179-000000

Composition: 100% rec. PA

g.Soft-Plastic D.Leather II Label 141-01150-000023

Composition: 100% Emission Gas-Based Content TPU

g.Soft-Plastic P-YL897 2-Slot Button 17.8mm (5mm Webbing) 141-00897-000023

Composition: 100% Emission Gas-Based Content TPU

g.Soft-Plastic 4-Hole Button 14mm 141-01298-000033

Composition: 100% Emission Gas-Based Content TPU

g.Soft-Plastic P220 Cord Lock 4mm 141-02236-000023

Composition: 100% Emission Gas-Based Content TPU

g. Soft-Plastic P-YL475 Cord End 2.5mm 141-00475-000023

Composition: 100% Emission Gas-Based Content TPU

Ghost Eye® Blink Single Adj. Magnetic Buckle with Pouch 20mm Male: 121-90469-000000, Female: 121-31197-000000 & Plate: 121-31200-000000

Composition: 100% POM + Magnet

Ghost Eye® Blink Single Adj. Magnetic Buckle 20mm Male: 121-90469-000000 & Female: 121-90870-000000

Composition: 90% POM

g.Eco rPET Logo Puller (with rPET cord) 141-02307-000013

Composition: 90% rec. PES

Eco Snap

Composition: 100% Recycled Material


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% TPE

Cord Lock

Composition: 50% PA, 50% Brass


Composition: 100% TPE


Composition: 100% TPE


Composition: 100% TPE


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% PP


Composition: 100% PP


Composition: 100% PA, 100% POM

ALULA 4-Hole Button #711

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA 2-Hole Slot Button #709

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Cord End 9-00706

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Puller 2-01637

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Puller 9-00314

Composition: 100% Aluminium


Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Round Loop

Composition: 100% Aluminium

S.J. ALULA Tensionlock

Composition: 100% Aluminium

Phantom-X ALULA Sliplok

Composition: 100% Aluminium

Phantom ALULA D Ring

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Sliplok 9-00406

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Half Arm Hook

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA Hook 9-00563

Composition: 100% Aluminium

ALULA 100kg Flat Tensionlock with Hook

Composition: 100% Aluminium

D. Soft Touch Cylinder Version with Silicon End

Composition: 70% PES, 20% PU, 10% Silicon

Injection grip pull tape-Bar

Composition: 80% PES, 20% TPU

P494 Micro Grip puller

Composition: 20% PES, 80% TPU

ThinnaZero Zip Clip

Composition: 20% PES, 80% TPU

P213 Storm Cord Lock

Composition: 80,20% POM,Copper

P-958 Color Spring Translucent Cord Lock

Composition: 80,20% POM,Copper

Soft Touch P-926 Rubberize Cord Lock

Composition: 80% PA, 20% Copper

Magic Slider Non Adj.

Composition: 100% PA

Trigga Storm Single Adj. Buckle

Composition: 100% POM

SIMPLX Auto-Snap Magnet Buckle

Composition: 50,50% POM,Tritan

Phantom ALULA Luggage Clip

Composition: 50,50% Aluminium,POM

G.C. Loop Connector

Composition: 100% POM

S.J. CamLok

Composition: 100% POM

Phantom Cord Lock

Composition: 100% POM

Phantom ALULA Belt Buckle

Composition: 50% PA, 50% Aluminium


Composition: 50,50% Aluminium,Tritan

S.J. ALULA Quik Lock (reversible)

Composition: 50,50% Aluminium,POM

G.C. Whistle Single Adj. Buckle

Composition: 100% POM

S.J. ALULA Metallic Hook

Composition: 100% Aluminium

S.J. Chromeo ALULA Single Adj. Buckle

Composition: 50,50% Aluminium,POM

G.F. Single adj. Buckle

Composition: 100% POM

SIMPLX Zero ALULA Non Adj. Buckle (S)

Composition: 50,50% Aluminium,POM

SIMPLX Zero ALULA Single Adj. Buckle (M)

Composition: 70,30% Aluminium,POM

G.C. Mech Alula Single adj. Buckle

Composition: 100% Aluminium

G.C. Prima Zinca Single adj. Buckle

Composition: 80,20% Zinc Alloy,POM

G.C. ChromeZero Snap (Medium)

Composition: 80,20% Copper,POM

G.C. DiscZero Snap (Medium)

Composition: 100% Copper

G.C. SnapZero Snap (Medium)

Composition: 100% POM

Thinna Plastic Cap Snap (Medium)

Composition: 100% POM

Thinna Standard Cap Snap (Medium)

Composition: 80,20% POM,Copper

Thinna Zinc Alloy Cap Snap (Medium)

Composition: 50,30,20% POM,Zinc Alloy,Copper

Thinna Storm Snap Cap

Composition: 100% POM

Sliding Snap

Composition: 50,50% Zinc Alloy,Copper

B141 Ring Snap

Composition: 100% Copper

B311M Prong Snap

Composition: 30% PES, 70% Copper

rPA Eco Cord Lock

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPA Eco Eyelet

Composition: 100% rec. PA

rPA Eco Sewing Snap

Composition: 100% rec. PA

Botanic Single Adj. Buckle

Composition: 100% PA

Botanic D Ring

Composition: 100% PA

Grainy 4-Hole Button

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

P239 Grainy Cord Pull

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

P794 Grainy Dual Hole Toggle

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

P164 Grainy Cord Lock

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

Grainy Eco Puller

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

Grainy Eco Cord End

Composition: 50,50% PP,Plant Fiber

P-655 Color Spring Translucent Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Polycarbonate

P-631 Color Spring Translucent Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Polycarbonate

CurviLINE Soft Cord Lock

Composition: 50,50% TPU,Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

PA022 Storm Cord Lock

Composition: 100% POM

CL-613 Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Zinc Alloy

CurviLINE Soft Cord Lock (Fine Matte)

Composition: 50,50% TPU,Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

Coffee Cup Cord Lock

Composition: 100% POM

DCL-617 Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Zinc Alloy

DCL-514 Cord Lock

Composition: 50% PA, 50% POM

Double Color Euro Cord Lock

Composition: 100% POM

DCL-611 Cordlock

Composition: 100% Zinc Alloy

Zinc Alloy Cord Lock

Composition: 100% Zinc Alloy

Spanish Quick Release Set

Composition: 100% POM

Quik-Slip Keeper - 20mm

Composition: 100% POM

Slop Button - 10mm

Composition: 100% POM

Cord Pull Ring

Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes

Cord Pull Ring

Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% TPE


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes


Composition: 100% ThermoPlastic Polyurethanes

Alpine Clip

Composition: 100% PA

Munich booth O06|O07

Portland booth 1404

Shanghai booth R20

Request appointment Contact the supplier Live Chat and Video Tool Website Website 2


Hong Kong

Production in

China • Italy • Vietnam

Bluesign Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Global Recycle Standard (GRS) Oekotex Standard 100 The Higg Index
Trims Footwear Bags
Printable Reflective / High Visible UV Cut 50+ Safety, Health & Durability Flame Retardant
Recycled Mono Component CO2 Reduced Natural Fibers Circular product
Company profile

DURAFLEX is a global trim and fasterner supplier for plastic and metal trims such as buckles, buttons, snaps and many more. Our main industry is Outdoor but we expend also in BIKE, Military, Babymarket, Athleisure, Pets, Yoga and many more industries.


188 Texaco Road, Leader Industrial Center II, 17G
- Hong Kong
Hong Kong

The content of this website is prepared with great care. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee or warranty of accurateness, completeness or timeliness of the information provided. Design & Development GmbH Textile Consult disclaims any and all liability to this end.

Exhibitor List March 2025