Weight: 155 g/m²
Composition: 100% PES
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South Korea
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South Korea
Product categories
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Bags & Tents • Bike & Running • Casual • Outdoor • Snow Sports • Team Sport • Water Sports • Workwear • Yoga & Fitness
38 products
Basically, the membrane is suspended from the shoulders of a jacket or the waist of a pant. It hangs or 'drops' from where it is sewn into the garment; hence the description drop-liner. Our drop-liner is water proof, breathable and durable.
1 product
18 products
19 products
Munich booth L18
Portland booth 1730
BRISTEX was founded in 2000 with headquarters in Seoul, Korea. BRISTEX was formed with the purpose to pursue development and production of proprietary finishes and fabrics designed for outdoor active apparel markets. Utilizing in house R & D and Product Development, BRISTEX has developed the BRISTEX® brand which serves customers in Europe, the USA, and now China.
Through our commitment to continuous process improvement, quality assurance, new development, and on time delivery we are now expanding our customer base in China and military line while continuing to strongly support top brands in Europe and the United States.
Ace High-End Tower 1 #620, 5, Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul
08389 Seoul
South Korea
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