
Is Greenwashing really the enemy of Textiles & Apparel?


Expert Talk Area

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

14:45 CEST

What can we learn from agriculture for guidance to develop the future of our Industry our industry?

Apparel now forms a 11% part of the calculation of the rate of interest, whereas food stuffs is only 23%. Just like food, its price has sunk in real terms with each generation over the last 50 years, with Fast Fashion seen as the satisfying equivalent to Fast Food. Clothing now has 4 clear attributes as the hedonistic side has returned; everybody is re-tuning to the incoming Gen Z, who are meant to be more marketing literate than those of us from before; Green-washing is definitely here - but should it be feared or embraced by brands; & other such influences will be discussed with a conclusion about whether textiles is a force for good in this over consumed society we have built around around us.

About the orator

Mr Charles Ross

Royal College of Art

Lecturer in Performance Sportswear Design

Having exchanged being an Outward Bound Instructor for the warmth of indoors, Charles has helped teach the next generation of designers for two decades now. Sustainable through longevity is a core principle.

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Comment by Sally Wolff |

Hi Charles,
Firstly, thank you so much for all the advice you have given on the various platforms that I have listened to you on. Slightly off this particular topic but relevant to your sustainability podcast with Ana and Klas. When do you recommend start ups make the payment to start the Higg Index process? I ask because it is quite a big investment for a tiny business but know that you are a fan. I hope this reaches you. Many thanks, Sally.

Comment by charles ross |


Most of the Higg tools you do not need to start with; it is a question that you should be asking of both your fabric suppliers & the garment manufacturers. Just like you ask the same about BlueSign & FWF - ask them if they are using the Higg Index. The single most important thing as a start up is to create business & a profit. As long as you aren't seeing evil going on, then standards are not as important (in my opinion) as testing that the chain works. Imagine having the best Supply Chain, but making no product or no profit: all that has happened is that you have paid out - for no return. You can always improve the Supply Chain (as a paying customer your request will be taken more seriously than just someone asking for a good price) once you have started. I would say the same of B Corps. Although it is always easier to use the standards at the start of business - you need to show that your concept has legs. Can you find me on LinkedIn & we can go into more detail (& include Ana & Klas in the conversation)

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