
Ecological waterrepellence of the future/Bionic Finish Eco.


Presentation Area next to the PERFORMANCE FORUM

Thursday 18th November 2010

15:30 - 16:30 CET

For the leisure and outdoor sector, good water repellency is of primary importance and, thus, a lot of brands and manufacturers of this sector have changed their point of view in the past few years. Some renowned companies have already recognized the signs of the times and have changed entire collections to more biologically sustainable, fluorine-free systems such as BIONIC-FINISH ECO. These companies are known for their high environmental awareness and, thus, set clear standards without having to accept disadvantages with regard to performance. Thus high performance and environmental protection are no longer irreconcilable opposites.

Mr/Ms X



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Rudolf Group France

RUDOLF-FRANCE, French subsidiary of the RUDOLF Group

General Manager

The fluorocarbons which are nowadays used for the high-performance waterproofing of textiles are safe and clean, but they are still perceived as a possible source of perfluorinated tensides (PFT) in the public discussion. However, by 2015, the fluorocarbon products known so far will be replaced by new C6-based ones; many companies have already started this change. Some of the newly developed C6 -products are outstanding alternatives to the fluorocarbons used so far, without having to accept their environmentally related disadvantages. However, the production of such products is energy-intensive, and they too are a possible source of durable substances that are not biodegradable. Their use should, therefore, be focused on necessary sectors, such as high oil and blood repellency requirements and the breathability connected therewith.

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