9 short & sharp presentations from the best of the Innovation Zone
A Pecha Kucha from those in the Innovation Forum.
A Pecha Kucha is a 20 slide set, with each slide automatically turning every 20 seconds (so a new presentation every 7 minutes). This means it is lots of fun to end the day with, but you will get an overview of the innovation happening in this industry
- Bio.crafted – Speaker: Chris Bellamy
- Fibre52 - Speaker: Graham Stewart
- Planalto
- Twine X4
- Livinguard Technologies AG
- Noosa®
- Celanese – Speaker: Federica Albiero, Business development manager for NEOLAST™
- wowpoc – Speaker: Jerzy F. Kucharko - CEO
- Portia - Speaker: Ana Kristianson
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